Applications, Proposals, and Grants

These specialized forms of writing can be tricky to perfect. I’ll provide insight on the standard format of such pieces of writing, as well as help you tailor your writing to the specific call, and improve clarity and persuasiveness.

Putting together a concise and compelling application package can be just as important as a scholar’s actual work for securing both a job and funding. I’ll review the application materials to ensure that you are tailoring your package to the specifications of the call, ensure that your application includes the necessary materials and work with you on what those materials should contain, and then edit the application for argument, clarity, structure, and voice. Together, we’ll craft application documents that showcase the passion and insight of your work.


What You’ll Get:

  • A copy of the material with margin comments and track changes.

  • A brief letter detailing broad feedback.

  • An explanation of the typical format for the materials you are producing if necessary.

I am happy to read multiple drafts of the materials. A cover letter and other common materials often evolve during the process of revision and sometimes require feed feedback at different stages of development.

This service is booked by the hour at $80/hour.